Kingston Pregnancy Yoga Kingston Pregnancy Yoga & Mindfulness with Nadia

(In-Person Pregnancy & Birth Prep Classes)

Friday Mornings, 10am-11.30am  (Kingston, London)

Summer Term (Block 1):  Friday 19 April 2024 – Friday 24 May  (Break for Summer Half Term)

Cost: £150 for 6 week block. Book Here

Nadia’s Pregnancy Yoga Classes combine the philosophy and practices of yoga with the wisdom teachings and practices of Mindfulness contained in a strong context of pregnancy, childbirth preparation and support for the journey of matrescence.

As a senior registered yoga teacher, teacher trainer and experienced birth doula, with 15 years + experience behind her supporting women in childbirth, Nadia is a passionate advocate for women, and committed to getting you ready; mind, heart and body for the great childbirth adventure.

Each 90-minute class features pregnancy yoga, breath work for pregnancy and birth, meditation and mindfulness, embodied birth education and community discussion/birth wisdom.

In these classes you will learn how to prepare and optimise your body and pelvic floor for healthy pregnancy and uninterrupted birth; how to manage the sometimes turbulent emotions of pregnancy and birth; how to connect with your baby and pregnant body and, crucially, how to navigate the system with insight and understanding.

When women practice yoga with confidence, they trust their bodies, connect with their babies, they birth faster, in more comfort and more effectively. (Rong et al 2020).

Classes take place in Nadia’s private home-studio which is located in Kingston – 10 minutes walk from both Norbiton and Kingston Stations.

If you would like to join this group, places are listed to five. Early booking is recommended.

Classes are booked in blocks of 6 with a priority to re-book at the end of the block. The next block runs from Friday 19 April to  Friday 24 May. 

Cost of  6 X 90 minute classes : £150.

Book Your Place Here:

Nadia also Offers a 12 Week ONLINE Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Course which runs on Tuesday Evenings at 7pm on Zoom. You can join anytime. Find our More about the Course here.

What Others Have Said About these Classes:

“Thank you so much Nadia. Ive loved our sessions and they played a crucial part in reminding me to come back to my body’s intelligence. Im so sad not to come to classes now, Ive loved them so much!” Christine

“Thank you so much for the wonderful classes, they gave me a sense of focus over the past 8 weeks. “ EM

Thank you for all your wisdom and great sessions. xxx KG

“I loved these classes. I feel much more confident and I really noticed the shift from trepidation to excitement for my upcoming birth growing each week of the course. T

Thank you so much for your offerings! I was so happy to be on your maternity course, it was such an intimate and empowering space, and I really had the feeling that all of your teachings and practices came from your heart <3″

Nadia Raafat

About Your Teacher

Nadia is a YAP registered Senior Teacher and Teacher Trainer as well as a perinatal and pelvic health specialist. She has practiced Yoga for 20 years and taught for 18. She is certified withSivananda Vedanta School, Satyananda, Birthlight, YogaBirth, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, the British Wheel of Yoga,  Spinning Babies, Dancing for Birth, Michel Odent, and many more international teachers bedsides.  She now runs her own YMPB teacher training programmes and CPD programmes for the pregnancy yoga teacher and birth worker community as well as mentors yoga teachers working in pregnancy & birth.

She has been taught meditation by Ajhan Sumedo at Amaravati Monastery, deepened her practice with the Shambala Centre and has completed many other courses and training in meditation and mindfulness with the British Wheel of Yoga, Kay Baxter, Sally Kempton, Adyashanti and Rupert Spira. She is currently studying Pyschosynthesis Counselling.

Nadia is a trained and Doula-UK approved Birth Doula and has attended over 75 births  and has supported every type of birth experience. She has a deep trust of childbirth physiology and is committed to protecting it and those who wish to birth without clinical intervention – unless medically necessary.

She s the author and producer of Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy and Birth – a five-class DVD program which has sold just under 1000 copies and the author and teacher of her signature 12 week Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Course .

A former journalist, Nadia also writes on Pregnancy, Birth, and Yoga for various blogs and publications including Mumfidential, My Baba and Juno Magazine.

Nadia is passionate about offering women the opportunity to use the radical physical transformation of pregnancy as a portal to an equally radical inner transformation and inner preparation for the incredible experience of childbirth and becoming a mother.

Nadia is herself a mother of 4.

Key Info:

Friday Mornings, 10am-11.30am  

Summer Term (Block 1):  Friday 19 April 2024 – Friday 24 May  (Break for Summer Half Term)

Cost: £150 for 6 week block.

Book Your Place Here