Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Course Livestream




‘The deepest most embodied and holistic birth preparation programme available.’

Next Course Dates:

Tuesday 10 September -Tuesday 10 December 2024

7pm-8.30pm (LONDON) Online

I have spent 18 years supporting thousands of women in person and online through the incredible experience of pregnancy and birth. As a senior pregnancy yoga and meditation teacher, a birth doula and childbirth educator as well as a holistic pelvic health specialist, I want to educate and support women to discover the wealth of inner resources available to them at this most intense and transformative time.

The ancient teachings of Yoga and Mindfulness offer a powerful pathway through the pregnancy and birth journey that is based on complete alignment with the process instead of control and management of the process.

To be able to successfully align yourself with such powerful natural energies you first have to rediscover yourself in a different way.

On this 13-week journey you will dive deep into your own physical, mental and emotional body, understanding it; loving it and preparing it. You will learn how to   ground and centre yourself effectively; how to down-regulate your nervous system  and experience your self in deep embodied stillness. You will learn how to mindfully respond to difficult situations rather than habitually and unconsciously react. We will explore your’s and society’s conditioning and beliefs around pregnancy, birth and becoming a mother and how they shape your choices and your actions. We will explore the architecture of the mind and learn how to train it towards focus, steadiness and increased self-awareness. Through a combination of yoga and movement, meditation and reflection, self-enquiry and discussion,  it is my hope and wish that you discover  your true depths and power, discover a real trust in the physiological process of birth and your ability to birth. 

I invite you to honour the spiritual pathway of pregnancy, the sacred event of birth, and join me on this special healing & awakening journey.

COURSE PRICE £ 280/£25 drop-in

Book Here 

This Includes:

  • 13 Weeks of LIVE Yoga & Mindfulness Tuition with Nadia – classes are 90 minutes duration and include yoga, birthdance, mindfulness and meditation, birthing education, group connection and conversation.
  • Recordings of each session will be available for those attending the course if you cannot make a LIVE session.
  • One hour LIVE/Online Postnatal Reunion Session
  • Audio Course Meditation Material


We offer a join anytime policy, and adjust the price accordingly, depending on when you join, so even if you are not able to attend the full course please get in touch with Nadia and, depending on space availability, she will do her best to accommodate your dates.

Book Here

Each of the 13 X 90 minute sessions will include a pregnancy yoga flow practice, a meditation or mindfulness exercise, a presentation and discussion on a key pregnancy and birth theme.

  • You will receive individual feedback and support as a key aspect of this course.
  • You will receive a FREE audio file of Mindfulness meditations.
  • After all the women have given birth, there will be one further postnatal gathering to debrief the incredible new mother experience, share stories, reconnect with all your course mates after the birth and introduce your new babies. These gatherings are always joyful and moving experiences – for everyone especially me!

The ideal time to embark on this course is anytime from 14 weeks onwards.  The earlier you start, the better, as you will have plenty of time to practice the techniques.

Remember you can join the course anytime in your pregnancy – even with just a few weeks to go however it is highly recommended that you attend as much of this course as is possible. If you have any challenges Nadia will be happy to talk through them with you. Please email

By the end of the course:

  • You will have experienced what the mindful state is, how to access it and how it can transform your pregnancy, childbirth and parenting experience.
  • You will have learned and practiced meditation regularly. You will have understood that childbirth is the ultimate meditation and you will feel ready and able to align yourself fully with this experience.
  • You will have learned key self-soothing skills to keep you calm and at ease throughout the labour journey.
  • You will have learned all about your birthing options and maternal rights and how to make decisions from a place of empowerment.
  • You will have discovered the power of the birthing body and learned how best to prepare the pelvic joints and tissue (externally and internally) for an effective labour and birth.
  • You will have learned the different ways you can work with the breath through the changing phases of labour and birth
  • You will have understood the many benefits of an active labour and experienced a wide range of active birthing positions and movements including birth dancing.
  • You will have understood the psychology of belief, learned to recognise and release unhelpful inherited beliefs and developed your own affirmation program for pregnancy and birth based on the unique individual that you are.
  • You will have learned and lived with the 8 Mindful attitudes.
  • You will have understood how to work mindfully with both Fear and Pain.
  • You will have learned how to get the best from your maternity providers before, during and after the birth of your baby.
  • You will have learned how to use these techniques in the early postnatal period to facilitate a calm and happy transition into Motherhood.
  • You will have shared an incredible 13-week journey with a circle of close and like-minded friends all having babies around the same time as you.

Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Course 

13 Weeks of LiveStream support and guidance with Nadia Raafat

Autumn Term Dates 2024

Tuesday 10 September 2024 – Tuesday 10 December 2024

7pm-8.30pm ONLINE ( LONDON)

Course Price: £280/£25 drop-in

Book Here