Holistic Pelvic Health Course

An Eight Week Healing Journey to the Heart of the Feminine

Course Dates: Thursday 22 February 2024  to Thursday 11 April 2024

7pm-9pm (GMT)


“I want you to journey deep into the heart of your female body, to your root place and to the root of all womanhood. Discover this landscape of the wild feminine. Find the connection between creative energy flow and the core of your body to reclaim the radiance that is rightfully yours.”

Tami Lynn Kent

The female pelvis is the seat of all life; the epicenter of the feminine experience and a storehouse of powerful emotions, behaviours and drives that underpin our physical, emotional and sexual well-being. It is also so often mysterious, misunderstood and, through ignorance and fear, dishonored.

This new holistic pelvic health course takes an interdisciplinary deep-dive into the multidimensional life of the female pelvis. Taking many perspectives; from literary and cultural to structural and functional and involving different disciplines from meditation to movement and journalling to discussion we will explore the female pelvis in all its manifestations from energetic to emotional and structural to sexual. Along the way we will practice ways in which to embody, to heal, to discover and to awaken our pelvic energy and our relationship with this most sacred and beautiful aspect of our individual and collective selves.

Whether it’s the healing of shame, the invitation of pleasure, a reconnection with creativity and fecundity, or simply the intention to inhabit and embody the pelvis with greater awareness and self-love; this course is for you.

You might be pregnant and processing an impending birth, postnatal and recovering from pelvic trauma; perimenopausal and negotiating a new relationship with your sexuality or simply wanting to explore and nurture your pelvic terrain; you might be any age from twenty-something to sixty-something; you might have a healthy relationship with your pelvis or one that you know needs healing. If this course calls you, then it is right for you.

From exploring your own pelvic health history and embodied boundaries to leaning how to activating pelvic energy and channel your creative energy, over the 8 weeks you will deeply connect with your pelvis in all its expressions; emotional to structural, sensual to spiritual.

This course is the culmination, and continuing work-in-progress, of my own pre-and-post maternal, personal, sexual, perinatal and healing journey of learning which encompasses yoga, and perinatal yoga, childbirth education, pelvic healing, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, sexual therapy and bodywork of the last ten years all of which has collectively contributed in some way to this course. It also draws on the teachings and writings of a range of commentators on the female pelvis, womens’ health and feminine energetics from Natalie Angier, Tami Lynn Kent and Naomi Wolf, to Leslie Howard, Liz Koch and Jane Dancey whose brilliant work on the pelvis also informs this course.

holistic pelvic health course

What the Course will Cover:

Over the eight weeks, we will explore a range of different topics and practices; the course will unfold organically and may even, at times, be driven by the needs of the group. Here are some of the topics we will include:

  • The Personal and Cultural History of our Pelvis,
  • Embodied Pelvic Anatomy
  • Embodied Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor – Your Personal Pelvic Floor Health:
  • Pelvic Floor Health: Practices that Sabotage and Practices that Heal
  • The Mechanics of Movement and Posture
  • The Ecological Pelvis
  • Life Cycle of the Pelvis
  • The Energetic Pelvis – Muladhara and Svadhisthana Chakras
  • Practising Consent and Boundaries
  • The Emotional Pelvis
  • The Pelvis and Permission for Pleasure
  • Embodying The Sexual Pelvis with Safety and Authenticity
  • The Two Hearts of the Feminine
  • Movement as Medicine – Build your Own Pelvic Practice

Every two hour session will feature discussion, practical movement and meditation. Homework practices will be offered each week so that you can continue your inquiry between sessions.

It is my hope that by the end of this course, your embodied and emotional relationship with your pelvis has improved; your pelvic health has improved and that you feel empowered to discover a new and dynamic relationship with your female body.

Because of the intimate nature of this course, places are limited to 10. No drop-ins will be available. Recordings will be available to those on the course.

Course Cost: £420

(Instalment plan available)


About Your Teacher

Nadia is a senior registered yoga teacher, perinatal and pelvic health specialist with 20 years of experience teaching yoga, preparing women physically and emotionally for childbirth and supporting them postnatally in their recovery. As a birth doula and childbirth educator, she has attended many structural, anatomical and biomechanical cpd trainings focusing on pelvic health and wellbeing; she has studied and trained with yoga teachers, somatic practitioners, embodiment teachers and pelvic specialists including Leslie Howard, Liz Koch, Tami Kent and Jane Dancey.

Her own personal journey of healing and discovery strongly informs this course.


“I LOVED this course; it was exactly what I needed to reconnect with my feminine self after motherhood” GH

“I’m loving this process together with you all… Thanks again for holding the space so beautifully and providing such valuable nourishment for the body and soul!” KS

“Doing this course has changed the way I feel about my femininity, my sensual body as well as becoming more aware of the physical functions of my pelvic floor. I will take this into my own teaching as well as my personal life and yoga practice . Thank you so much Nadia 🙏” JB

“I loved doing your pelvic anatomy course … which fascinated me and  laid a foundation for me to explore much deeper into the power of the menstrual cycle, the feminine and lots of sexuality work.” CF

holistic pelvic health