Nadia has been a Yoga and Meditation teacher for 15 years with a special interest in female empowerment and female spirituality. She is a YAP Senior Registered Teacher and accredited Teacher Trainer offering Teacher Trainings in Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth and the Chakras.

From her early start as a young national squad rhythmic gymnast and dancer and her explorations in physical theatre at University, she has always experienced a powerful connection to emotional wellbeing and healing through the mediums of dance and physical movement. She took her first yoga class, aged 30, with Fausto Dorelli at the Innergy Yoga Centre and was hooked immediately.

She completed her first teacher training in Hatha Yoga with the Sivananda Vedanta School of Yoga in 2004, then subsequent teacher trainings with The British Wheel of Yoga (2009) and with Swami Pragyamurti at the Satyananda School of Yoga (in Yoga Nidra) in 2012. In recent years she has also undertaken various meditation trainings with London Mindfulness, the Institute of Noetic Sciences and with The British Wheel of Yoga.

The elusive connection to wholeness she unwittingly sought and found through her early years as a gymnast and dancer she rediscovered, with clarity, through the clearly defined but equally rigorous paths of yoga and meditation.

Nadia’s journey is entwined with her own journey as a mother. She believes that a context-specific combination of yoga, free dance and mindfulness provide the optimum physical, mental and emotional support program for the incredible journey of pregnancy, childbirth and becoming a mother. Her own 4 pregnancies and births and the many she has attended as a birth doula, have demonstrated to her the power of these practices in birthing conscious, courageous and compassionate mothers.

Nadia is also a fully trained and accredited level 1 and 2 Birthlight BabyYoga teacher, a trained Postnatal Teacher (YogaBirth) and an accredited Dancing for Birth teacher with CNN Birth Hero Stephanie Larson and a keen student of 5 Rhythms Dance. She also holds a Certificate in Hypnotherapy from The London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy’.

In 2007, she completed her Birth Doula training with the acclaimed obstetrician Dr Michel Odent and doula, Liliana Lamis. She has been certified with Doula UK since 2008 and has supported tens of women and their partners on their journeys to parenthood. She is a member of FEDANT, Birthlight, Doula UK, La Leche League and the British Wheel.

Nadia is also a former journalist, a writer and a keen amateur poet.