I am so proud to have alongside me the most amazing team of inspirational pregnancy yoga specialists and birth workers and today I would like to introduce them to you.

  • Collectively we have one century of experience teaching and supporting the pregnant community.
  • Our common denominator is our shared passion for working in the amazing field of pregnancy & birth.
  • We are all mothers.
  • We all deeply trust physiological birth.
  • We all acknowledge and honour the importance of the life of the unborn babe.
  • We all prioritise perinatal mental and emotional health.
  • We all LOVE our yoga and are committed to offering yoga that is creative, authentic, functional and rooted in its rich philosophical and spiritual traditions.

So without further ado, it’s time to meet the team.

Joy Horner, besides being a former midwife with nearly four decades of Clinical and Independent practice behind her, has also trained with Midwife, Author and Womens Mysteries Teacher Jane Hardwicke Collins in Shamanic Midwifery. Joy brings this deep understanding of the spirituality of pregnancy, birth and postpartum life for mother and baby to her work and teaching.

Joy will be teaching on the Childbirth module.

Vera came into my life many years ago as part of the London birth doula community.  Vera is a senior yoga teacher, yoga therapist and teacher trainer with a particular specialism in female health including fertility and pregnancy. She is also a fully trained Mindfulness teacher and Hypnobirthing teacher. Vera has designed her own unique way of blending Mindfulness with Hypnosis for optimum effect for her pregnancy yoga students and birth clients. Vera will be co-teaching the Mindfulness curriculum.

I met Laura nine years ago when she came to my pregnancy and postnatal yoga classes during her first pregnancy. Now she is a mother of four. Alongside mothering, Laura runs long-standing and busy osteopathic clinics in Battersea and Surbiton where she specialises in Women Health Osteopathy including Pregnancy, and Post-natal recovery. She is also a specialist in Pediatric Osteopathy and takes a strong interest in maternal and foetal positioning. She will be leading the Anatomy & Physiology modules.

This beautiful picture of Micheline captures her spirit perfectly. A mother of four who made the journey from C-section recovery to Freebirthing her fourth baby. Micheline is a  senior yoga teacher with a beautful lineage behind her.

She weaves the deep wisdom of Tantra, Patanjali, Ayurveda and ‘Womb’ yoga to support practices that are connected to reclaiming  pregnancy, birth and  Motherhood as sacred, and a spiritual path to knowing our Selves and to Self healing.

Micheline will be teaching Yoga Philosophy for Pregnancy and Motherhood.

And finally me. I am also a senior yoga teacher and committed yogini with 20 years teaching practice behind me in Hatha and Tantra traditions as well as Buddhist-based Mindfulness. I am a perinatal specialist having trained in Pregnancy, Postnatal, and Baby Yoga, Birth Dance and Biomechanics for Birth. I am also a trained holistic pelvic health specialist. Inspired by my own four birth experiences, I became a doula in 2008 and have been attending births ever since; I trust birth deeply and am a passionate birth advocate.

I have been training teachers  since 2014 and launched my own teacher training programmes in 2020.

Together we are here for you, to welcome you, travel with you through the programme and  ensure you graduate from this programme feeling resourced , inspired and supported  as a pregnancy yoga teacher and/or  birth worker

Follow this link to find out more about the September 2023 Yoga With Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Teacher Training.

This Year we are offering Exclusively Online and Online and In-Person Combined Programmes .

We hope to see you there.