
Second Stage: Discovering the Pelvis and Opening to Birth

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Why do some first time mothers birth their babies in 20 minutes and others struggle on with a two hours plus Second stage? Why do some mothers breathe their babies out whilst others have to push? What are some of the obstacles to a smooth second stage and how can we do our best to avoid them? What should we do to best prepare our pelvis and ourselves for the second stage of the birth process?

This workshop with birth doula, yogini and childbirth educator Nadia Raafat will explain in theoretical and practical detail the second stage process from full dilation to baby-in-arms examining all the sub-stages along the way.

Expect to learn the anatomy of your bony and soft pelvis and its mechanical actions during the second stage and crowning. Expect to learn ways in which you can optimise your preparation for this stage of labour using posture work, breath-work, pelvic floor exercises and body awareness exercises including pelvic massage and mapping your own pelvis. Finally expect to look at ways in which to work with the breath during this important final phase to maximise your body’s innate power and avoid tearing.

Time will be devoted too to exploring some of the challenges that can arise here including instrumental delivery and c-section and how best to navigate them should they arise.

This is an empowering and informative workshop – an ideal preparation for anyone anxious about this stage of the birth process.

Booking is via the Timetable page here:

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