
From Vision to Manifestation 2022: The Pathway & The Obstacles

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Bring Your Dreams and Ideas for 2022 Into Manifestation With Dynamic Self-Inquiry and Vision-Planning

What do you want to manifest in your life in 2022?

A new professional evolution or promotion? A beautiful garden? More time to enjoy the things that matter; family and friends.  Whatever you wish for; a wish is not enough.

Without aim, we hit nothing. Without a plan, our dreams remain in the vision plane; ideas; thoughts… nothing more.

At the start of the year I hold the space for vision planning and manifestation.  I do this because I believe whole-heartedly in the power of creative manifestation but I know too nothing happens without concentration and commitment.

In this two-and a half hour session, I will guide you through a process of dynamic self-inquiry through meditation and journalling as we take our dream/project/wish/intention and understand how it moves from inspiration to manifestation through the seven chakras.

 The second part of this workshop is the creative part; bring your vision and I will show you a visual template for actualising that vision in four stages and through the seven chakras over the course of one year.  You will need a large piece of paper A3, pencils and pens. Vision and manifest your whole year in four seasons and with seven stages of evolutions. Then use it throughout the year as a visual guide to keep you on your path and measure your progress.

This workshop is for anyone who has a project, a vision, a plan for 2022 that they would love to manifest.

Gift yourself the time and space to call down your dreams and explore a pathway to bring them to fruition this year. A perfect way to begin the New Year.

Bring paper, colouring pens/crayons, dreams and fire in your belly.

This Special Two-and-a-Half-Hour Event will cost: £25.

Book Your Place Here.

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