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Nadia Raafat is a senior registered teacher of Yoga and Meditation, a teacher trainer, a childbirth educator and activist, a holistic pelvic health specialist and a birth doula.
She teaches Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meditation and specialises in Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga and Mindful Birth Preparation. She has been teaching in London for 18 years.
As a registered Birth Doula she has supported tens of women, couples and families through this peak life event.
Nadia is the Course Director and Lead teacher on the BatterseaYoga Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Teacher Training
This 9 week and 100 hr Yoga Alliance Professionals (YAP) and Federation of Antenatal Educators (FEDANT) accredited teacher training brings a complete 9-week Mindfulness for Pregnancy programme alongside a first class Birth Preparation programme to your Pregnancy Yoga teacher training ensuring you are fully ready to support the pregnant community – body and mind through the becoming mother journey.
This course will next run in October 2022. Find out more here.
Nadia has also developed a 9-week Advanced Pregnancy Teacher Training focused on the Chakras system. This 9-week YAP-certified Maternity Chakra training offers a deeper inquiry into the pregnancy and birth experience and a deeper exploration of yoga practice and theory.
A previous pregnancy yoga training is necessary for this course which will run again in September 22.
She is also the writer & producer of the five session Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth DVD and online course.
Whether guiding a Dynamic Hatha Yoga Class, a Pregnancy Yoga Class or a Teacher Training Course, Nadia’s intention is to cultivate full engagement, interest and commitment, in her practitioners; to inspire in the way she has received inspiration and to hold the space for wise community and deep inquiry. Her teaching approach is somatic, creative and mindful with an emphasis on the process rather than destination.
Nadia teaches weekly online classes in Dynamic Hatha Yoga, Movement & Meditation and Pregnancy Yoga.
Additionally, Nadia teaches a community pregnancy class at R-Space Studio in Thames Ditton on Wednesday evenings. More info can be found here.
To find out about these classes either click on the respective link or check out her timetable at the Book a Class Page.
Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth is her key offering for pregnancy; a 12-week LIVE online course incorporating Pregnancy Yoga, Mindfulness Training and Embodied Birth Preparation. Nadia has taught this course in-person and live online to many hundreds of women. She runs it three times a year: January, April and September.
Other perinatal live online offerings include weekly Tuesday evening Pregnancy Yoga, a monthly Mindful Motherhood Circle and a Holistic Pelvic Health Course.
Nadia also offers Private sessions across all her disciplines. If you are interested in working with Nadia in a one to one or small group capacity please email and she will respond to you promptly.
To receive regular updates on her classes, courses and workshops plus read her latest blog posts please subscribe to her monthly newsletter.
For more up-to-the-minute news and social media connection follow Nadia at:
“Forget your perfect offering, There’s a crack in everything, That is how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen
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Thanks for all support in the various classes I’ve been to (pregnancy, birth prep, couples birth prep and mother & baby!). I’ve found the classes really invaluable at each stage and you provide a brilliant service to women in the area.
I so loved your classes too and definitely want to come back with Harry to do the mother and baby yoga.
I just wanted to grab an opportunity to say a massive thank you for your amazing yoga classes which stood me in such great stead to have the birth I thought I could only dream about.
There is so much to get out of Nadia’s classes, the brilliant net-working, info sharing and of course the yoga all adds up to a fantastic service for pregnant women
I attended Nadia’s workshop before the birth of my first child and for me it was the best thing I did in preparation for the birth
A huge thank you for your inspirational classes And wise words on empowering yourself with Knowledge, we had such a great experience Delivering evie at home
I really think that all the prep I did with you was the reason I didn’t end up with a c-section or high forceps! He was almost there without intervention and all the exercises we did were the reason I was able to labour and then push for so long – and of course navigate the system and fend off the …
I have found your classes absolutely invaluable during my pregnancy so far (and so has my partner!) – thank you!