Pre and Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training and CPDs in Birth Education.
Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training (100 Hours)
Postnatal Teacher Training (60 Hours)
Maternity Chakras for Birth Professionals (40 Hours)
Yoga Nidra for Pregnancy & Birth CPD
Accommodating Pre and Post Natal Students in Regular Yoga Classes CPD
As a senior pregnancy yoga teacher with many years experience both in the yoga studio teaching pregnancy yoga and as a birth doula accompanying over 100 women and couples during their births, I am delighted to offer both pre and post natal yoga teacher trainings for the yoga teaching and birth worker community. I offer a 100 hour pregnancy yoga teacher training, a 60 hour postnatal teacher training and a variety of birth education CPDS for pregnancy yoga teachers, doulas and other birth workers wanting to dive deeper into the teachings of Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Mindfulness for pregnancy and births.
The 100 hour Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training is unique in its combined offering of Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth. Unlike many other teacher training programmes, it also dives deeply into embodied and mindful birth education making it an ideal training for birth doulas, midwives and thise pregnancy yoga teachers wanting to offer birth education classes. The 60 hour postnatal training combines postnatal yoga with mindfulness and holistic pelvic healing work to ensure your mamas are deeply supported as they navigate matresence.
Together the pre and post natal yoga teacher training programme offers you a really comprehensive training in the fields of pregnancy yoga, embodied birth education and post partum recovery.
I haver gathered an excellent team of teachers and birth professionals around me to co-teach my pre and post natal teacher trainings including my wonderful teaching partner, yoga therapist, hypnotherapist, and doula/birthkeeper Vera Dubrovina and former midwife, birth keeper and shamanic practitioner Joy Horner.
I have taught continuously in this field (through my own 4 pregnancies) in-person, online and through her DVD for the last 18 years supporting thousands of women on their birth and post partum journeys. I launched and ran the perinatal arm of BatterseaYoga for many years devising and teaching pregnancy yoga, birth education, postnatal yoga and baby yoga to the BatterseaYoga community. I then moved into teaching CPDs for other organisations like Birthlight and the British Wheel before devising and teaching the first 100 hour pregnancy yoga and mindfulness teacher training back in 2021. As of 2024, I am now offering both pre and post natal yoga and mindfulness teacher trainings.

pre and post natal yoga teacher training
I have trained in Yoga and Meditation with numerous organisations and teachers over the years including Faust Dorelli and the Innergy Yoga Centre, Sivananda Vedanta Org, the British Wheel of Yoga, Satayanada Org, the London Mindfulness Centre, the London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy, the Shambala Centre, Amarvatti Monastery. She has been taught by many wonderful teachers and field leaders including Francoise Freedman, Sally Lomas and Ingrid Lewis of Birthlight, Judy Cameron and Tara Fraser of the BWY, Lolly Stirk of YogaBirth, Michel Odent and Lilianna Lamis, Debra Bonali-Pascaro (Orgasmic Birth), Uma Dinsmore-Tuli (Yoga Campus), Swami Pragyamurti, Stephanie Larson (Dancing for Birth) Spinning Babies, Biomechanics for Birth, Birth Better, Dr Sarah Buckley and many others. She has been influenced by numerous others on her journey as a woman, mother and teacher as diverse as energy healers and psychotherapists, birth activists and many wonderful midwives and doulas. I am a member of Birthlight, the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), Doula UK, the Positive Birth Movement and the Federation of Antental Educators (FEDANT).
As a writer on all matters pregnancy, birth and yoga related she has many articles published in numerous print and online journals, magazines and blogs. You can read her recent article on accommodating pregnant students in general yoga classes for the Yoga Alliance Professionals Blog here or her highly read blog on the Maternity Chakras here.
As a pregnancy yoga teacher, my central focus and point of interest within pregnancy has been supporting women to move towards total mind-body-spirit alignment with the incredible birth process. I have found that the combination of Yoga and Mindfulness offers a potent formula for self-empowerment and self-discovery during pregnancy and birth. With that end in mind I am committed to devising training that enables women to overcome their anxieties, fears and limitations both physical, mental and emotional so that they can embrace this most awesome experience. Through the maternal rite of passage that is childbirth women can discover their own incredible power and the immense natural power that moves through them. I am committed to women knowing their bodies, knowing their rights and knowing how to nurture themselves with yoga and mindfulness on their heroic journey to motherhood.
As a pre and post natal yoga teacher trainer I am keen to impart a clear pathway for teachers to guide their students towards this more internal aspect of the birth process. This training involves exploring what is an adequate preparation path to accessing the state of Yoga or Mindful Awareness in the birthing room. And because birth is in practice for so many these days a clinical experience part of the pathway has to be exploring how to navigate and overcome the many obstacles that steer a pregnant woman away from peace and presence during labour towards distraction, fear and pain.
I am firmly committed to supporting all women, regardless of ethnicity, age or creed to experience a birth free of un-necessary intervention and disempowerment. It is the right of every woman to feel cared for, supported and acknowledged fully during the childbirth process. This underlies all my pre and post natal yoga teacher training programmes. To this end, all my pre and post natal teacher training programmes have scholarship places for teachers who are economically challenged but who resonate with this approach to pregnancy and birth and wish to share these teachings with your communities.
If that is you, please do reach out by sending an email to
Our pre and post natal yoga teacher training programmes are offered both online exclusively meaning you can train with us wherever you are in the world. We have had trainees from Singapore, Dubai, Vietnam, Spain and Ireland as well as all over the UK. We also offer a hybrid online and In-person version of all pre and post natal yoga teacher trainings which means you have the option of training in London with us as well as online.
Finally all our pre and post natal yoga teacher training programmes and birth education CPDS are certified by Yoga Alliance Professionals. The 100 Hour pregnancy Yoga teacher Training is also a Doula UK approved course and is also certified by FEDANT.
Fo more information on all of our pre and post natal yoga teacher training programmes, please visit the relevant page or contact for more information.