
Return to Heart – a Yoga and Mindfulness Workshop

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Over the last year through Yoga, Mindfulness and other therapeutic modalities I have dedicated my own practice to exploring and deepening my heart awareness and capacity for self-love, and love of others. In this special winter workshop at BatterseaYoga I would like to share some of the Yoga, Mindfulness and Therapeutic Practices I have learned along the way which cultivate and deepen our connection to Love, Compassion and Forgiveness.
This workshop will combining deep mindful slow-flow Yoga (suitable for all levels of practice) designed to activate Anahatah Chakra – the seat of our emotions with breath work and Yoga Nidra followed by a teaching on the three gestures of Love and closing with the beautiful self-healing practice of Loving Kindness Meditation. There will be time for discussion and reflection afterwards.
This will be an afternoon of nurturing yoga, learning and self-care and healing.

All bookings for the workshop via BatterseaYoga.



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