
Labour With Love – Partners Online Birth Rehearsal –

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Labour With Love – Partners Online Birth Rehearsal –

Saturday, July 11: 2 PM-6 PM


The labour and birth of your child, whether your first precious baby, or your fourth, is always a heart-opening and sacred time.

Whether birthing at home, in a home-from-home unit or on a labour ward, every mother wishes the same; to be, and to feel, safe; to be as comfortable as possible and not to feel alone. The importance of choosing and having a loving and informed birth partner to accompany you cannot be under-estimated.

Having someone close to you, who knows how to reach out to you, support you, represent you, hold you and breathe with you is what makes labour easier. It’s also what makes the memory beautiful – even if the labour was hard and long. We remember the incredible journey we went on to bring our baby into the world but we remember it fondly. We felt looked after, cared for, loved.

Nadia’s birth partner’s immersion workshop is designed to bring you together with your chosen partner – be it the father of your baby, your mother, sister or best friend –  so that you can prepare together. The workshop offering ensures that your chosen partner understands the importance of the role of the partner and how to cultivate that space of love and support at home, in transit and in hospital –  should you choose a hospital birth.

The Experience of Labour

The labour and birth experience is an intensely physical and emotionally challenging experience with many twists and turns, beautiful heart-opening highs and deeply challenging lows, along the way.

Calling on the traditions of Yoga, Hypnosis, Mindfulness and Bodywork, Nadia has gathered together the practices and teachings she feels most cultivate connection, presence and ease in the labour room.

The content has also been updated to reflect the changes and restrictions that are in place as a result of Covid 19 and how best to navigate your way through the current restrictions.

Having supported over 50 couples over a thirteen-year period and experienced four births herself, Nadia brings a deep and personal knowledge of the childbirth experience and how best to navigate it so that it unfolds in an environment of calm, care and love

“Thank you, Nadia, for such an awesome day…. it is the best advice within this kind of thing that I have done for my pregnancy so far…” Katy Appleton, Founder Apple Yoga

Workshop Content

Following the pathway of normal physiological birth – that is birth without initial complications – we will look at the following.

  • Physiology of Labour – the action and the maternal experience.
  • Mindful Speaking and Listening
  • Labouring at home – How to stay at home as long as possible.
  • Relaxation and Pain Relief techniques for early and active labour.
  • Movements and positions for effective labour.
  • Rebozo techniques for Labour
  • Breathing and Sounding for the various stages of Labour
  • Touch and Massage Pain Relief Techniques.
  • How and when to transfer in to minimize discomfort and maintain progress.
  • Positioning for the Second stage.
  • Navigating the  Long, Slow Birth.
  • Working with Intervention.
  • Protecting the Hour of Power.
  • Your Maternal Rights
  • We will also discuss Interventions and How to Navigate them in order to avoid Birth Trauma

After the workshop, you will both have a much clearer idea about how the event will unfold and what skills and practices will best serve you when. Your birth partner will have a really good idea about how he/she can best support you mentally, emotionally and practically and you will feel much closer together and bonded by the experience you have shared.

This workshop is also open to both pregnant women attending alone but birth partners are strongly encouraged to attend.

Read the testimonials here.

WORKSHOP COST: £60 couple £40 single


For further information or to book your places on the Birth Rehearsal Workshop Programme click here.

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About Nadia

Nadia Raafat is a mother of 4. She teaches Hatha and Yin Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga Yoga and Mindful Birth Preparation. She has been teaching in London for 15 years. Whether guiding a Yoga Class, a Pregnancy Class or a Yoga & Mindfulness for Pregnancy & Birth Course, Nadia’s intention is to cultivate embodied presence and self-awareness in the practitioner. Her teaching approach is deeply mindful with an emphasis placed on establishing and maintaining an embodied awareness and receptivity throughout. Nadia is also a Birth Doula with over 50 births behind her. She is the writer, producer and teacher on Yoga and Mindfulness for Pregnancy and Birth – a five-class pregnancy yoga and mindfulness dvd program which has received excellent reviews across all media platforms, publications and consumer groups. When she has time, Nadia writes about Yoga, Mindfulness and Pregnancy for many online platforms and publications. She is passionate about supporting women with embodied yoga and mindfulness on their journey through pregnancy, childbirth and becoming a mother. 








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